I designed this Beatles poster around a lyric from Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds—"Newspaper taxis await on the shore, waiting to take you away"—from their 1969 Yellow Submarine album. This project is a full-circle moment for me, as the very first poster I ever created was also inspired by this song, but I had chosen a different lyric back then. Now, as I create my final poster in my formal design education, I wanted to revisit the song but approach it with a completely new level of skill and creativity. This poster represents my growth as a designer. To create this design, I mixed traditional and digital art to create something cool, expressive, and full of joy. I love The Beatles because their music makes me smile, and I hope this poster does the same for others.
Software: Illustrator, InDesign, 
and Photoshop
Skills: Print Design, Layout, 
and Photography
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